If scope is of class character and of length one, the value of the argument and all less-invasive levels are included too (e.g. styling tokens includes styling spaces). If scope is of class AsIs, every level to be included has to be declared individually. See compare tidyverse_style() for the possible levels and their order.

scope_normalize(scope, name = substitute(scope))



A character vector of length one or a vector of class AsIs.


The name of the character vector to be displayed if the construction of the factor fails.

See also

Other third-party style guide helpers: next_non_comment(), pd_is


#> [1] tokens
#> Levels: none < spaces < indention < line_breaks < tokens
scope_normalize(I(c("indention", "tokens")))
#> [1] indention tokens   
#> Levels: none < spaces < indention < line_breaks < tokens