If scope was set to "line_breaks" or lower (compare tidyverse_style()), we can compare the expression before and after styling and return an error if it is not the same. If that's not possible, a weaker guarantee that we want to give is that the resulting code is parsable.

verify_roundtrip(old_text, new_text, parsable_only = FALSE)



The initial expression in its character representation.


The styled expression in its character representation.


If we should only check for the code to be parsable.


Note that this method ignores roxygen code examples and comments and no verification can be conducted if tokens are in the styling scope.


styler:::verify_roundtrip("a+1", "a + 1")
styler:::verify_roundtrip("a+1", "a + 1 # comments are dropped")
try(styler:::verify_roundtrip("a+1", "b - 3"))
#> Error in styler:::verify_roundtrip("a+1", "b - 3") : 
#>   The expression evaluated before the styling is not the same as the expression after styling. This should not happen.
#>  This is an internal error that was detected in the styler package.
#>   Please report it at <https://github.com/r-lib/styler/issues> with a reprex (<https://tidyverse.org/help/>) and the full backtrace.